Write It All Down
For as long as I can remember i’ve been in the habit of writing everything down. I write down my thoughts in a journal, my plans, my dreams, my goals, grocery list, to-do list, etc. I even wrote everything down in high school and college when I studied! I used A LOT of paper during those times. I capture things better. But, mainly when I put pen to paper thoughts come out that sometimes I didn’t realize were floating around in my mind.
I keep a small notebook in my purse and Post-It notepads in every room of my house (even my car). If a big thought comes to mind I pull out that notebook and pen and get to writing. Those Post-It notepads come in handy when I have a quick thought. A plus to those bad boys is you can stick them right in front of you! Are you that way? If you don’t write it down almost immediately after you think it then it gets lost? Or, is that just me?
What my dash looks like most days!
I recently listened to a Podcast on this very topic. It made a lot of sense as to why I perform this act and helped me understand the “power of writing it all down”. You see, there’s apparently a lot of noise in our brains that we often don’t realize is there. Much like when we think we aren’t stressed out, we have some crazy symptoms and the doctor finally diagnoses you with stress. And all you can think is, “I’m not stressed! Everything is going great in my life!” Well, a notebook and pen can help with that. Just like a walk helps you clear your mind. Maybe you don’t like to write and that’s okay. Technology is awesome these days. Take that phone out and walk and talk or type those thoughts into your phone. I learned in this podcast that the noise in our head tends to come out as soon as you put that pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). When you start writing you surprise yourself with what thoughts you had about any and everything. The speaker stated, “Once you get all of that noise out of your head you are creating space to tackle the items that you wrote down or feel better about emotions you were having that you didn’t even realize were there”.
Do you tend to hold things in? I’m guilty. I will keep thoughts bottled up until one day something so small will set them off. One reason I started journaling. It’s best done first thing but can be done whenever you feel the need. I wake up an hour early every day. Everyone is in bed still so the house is quiet. I fix my coffee. I grab my journal and pen and go. Sometimes I surprise myself and other times I know i’m feeling the things I write down.
My point: organize your thoughts. Get yourself a small notebook, a pad of Post-Its, a pen and a Sharpie. I like to use a Sharpie on my Post-It notepads because it makes it “pop” on the color. I encourage you to write your thoughts down daily but at least try to do it a few times a week. But, those Post-It pads! Use them everyday. Those things are life for me and my loved ones know it. They know it so well that I got 20+ of them for Christmas. And I was totally okay with it.
Almost everyone has physical clutter in their home in at least one area. Just like physical clutter we all have mental and emotional clutter in our minds. All it takes is 10 minutes a day either in the morning or before bed (even on your lunch break). You’ll be surprised of your thoughts. You’ll feel better. And, you may even remember an item you need from the grocery store (hence why I keep Post-Its in my car).
My Mystery Bag theme this month was “Write It All Down”!
I provided everyone with the tools to get started with organizing their thoughts.
“Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.”