What is a Professional Organizer?

A Professional Organizer is someone who has JOY in keeping their surroundings nice and tidy. A space is a space for a reason and if its unorganized and not functional it doesn’t work. A Professional Organizer comes to the rescue to learn your style, clean up the space and get it organized and functioning with the hope to keep it that way.


I’m ready to help you!

Do you walk into your living room or your kitchen and stop in your tracks because nothing has a “home”?

Do you open your closet or pantry and immediately shut the door because it’s out of control?

Is your car a mess you because you basically live out of it due to busy schedules with your kids?

Do you forget appointments or school activities because you can’t find a planner system that works for you?

Whether you need help getting organized in your home or life, I’m ready to help you.

From a busy mama to another, we can tackle this crazy busy life together and get you organized.


Here’s how it works:


Let’s get to know each other! I will come to you and see what you need organized. We will chat about what you need and want with your space. I also want to hear about your style so that I can better advise you. I will advise you on what, if anything, could be purchased to help with organizing the space. I can purchase the products or you can. Then we schedule a time for me to ORGANIZE or I get you started on organizing the space.

$50 consultation fee


If you hire me to organize your space I will come ready to help make your life easier. This will be a time to purge anything that isn’t needed or wanted, clean the space and get the space organized and functioning. We can do this phase together or if you have no desire to help that’s no problem. I can tackle it and when you come home to it the space will be nice and tidy and refreshing for you to see and start using with ease.

$65/hour + products


Follow Up.

I want my clients to have HOPE in knowing that I’m here to guide you through this process. The tools and ways that I help you to get an organized space and to keep it organized will be ways to get you in the habit of turning that weakness into a strength. After your space has been organized and put into a functioning atmosphere I will periodically follow-up with you to make sure its still working and continue giving you HOPE.

No extra fee!


We all need our Meals planned out! Our Grocery Lists made! Easy and healthy recipes to follow. Right?!

My Meal Plans include:

  • 5 weeknight meals

  • Weekly grocery lists 0

  • Recipes that are easy to follow