A Habit Reboot

We live almost half of our lives by habit.

Do you have some habits you are wanting to start or change?

Habits are unconscious, automatic routines that shape our lives.

Here’s how to start:

  1. Define your goals.

  2. Experiment with small, consistent actions to find what helps you reach your goal.

Now, follow these tips to practice while developing your habit(s):

  1. Invite a friend or family member to practice the habit along with you. We tend to be more effective when others come along with us.

  2. If you miss a day, or find something isn’t working, don’t fret or quit, wipe the slate clean and start again. Just don’t stop!

  3. We are looking for progress, not perfection. Consistency matters more than doing it perfectly.

  4. If you find you aren’t creating a habit thats putting you towards your goal, shrink your task. There’s a chance you’ve set a goal bigger than the time and energy you have to put towards it right now. Start small and build up along the way until you are about 90% sure you can do it.

  5. Don’t stop! Keep going even if you feel there’s not any progress being made. Small habits, when maintained over time, can lead to lasting change.

  6. Always aim to creating habits to reach your goals.

  7. Have fun! Be serious. Experiment. Use your curiosity to tweak the habit along the way. Always aim for what works for you and what doesn’t. Remember, if it’s not working, make a tweak but don’t stop.

  8. Enjoy the process because you will see results when you stick to it.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Rohn

Hope Vance

Founder & Owner of Organized with Hope LLC who is passionate about helping others become and stay organized. I love to work with business owners as a Virtual Assistant to help them focus more on the big picture of growing their business. As a Professional Organizer my passion is to work with individuals who have a space in their home or life that needs organization. My goal is to give these individuals HOPE  in making their lives easier by providing them with my passion and skills. 


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