Organized with Hope

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Why I offer Meal Plans as a service

“Hope, why do you offer a monthly meal plan?”

I’m glad you asked! Here’s why:

  • I was once where you are. Flying by the seat of my pants to get my family fed during a busy week. Feeling guilty for running through a drive-thru every night only to feel awful from eating all that not-so-good food. Been there, done that!

  • I started making a plan! Planning out our meals for the month, making the grocery lists so they are ready to add to Kroger Click List (these pandemic days anyway) and just knowing that I’m fueling myself and my family with healthy food.

Who doesn’t like someone else planning the meals and making the grocery list for them?! Let ME help YOU!

The meals can be customized to your dietary needs but I try really hard to choose recipes that can be converted easily. I am on a gluten free diet and I try really, really hard to be dairy free. I share my tips and tricks for converting the recipes. But, my overall goal for providing meal plans is to help YOU. I know how hard it is to get a system and to make it work.

I do all the research for you. I look for healthy but good recipes for you and your family. I convert those recipes to grocery lists. When you purchase a meal plan you get a months worth of meals (M-F), weekly grocery lists with room to add other items you may need and a piece of your time to use elsewhere in your busy life.

The recipes are stove top, oven, Instant Pot, Air Fryer and Crock Pot. Most of the time the recipes are big enough for leftovers for you to take to lunch the next day and sometimes enough to freeze for another last minute meal.

I try to keep the meals quick and easy! I love to have help from my family and having the recipes printed out for them to follow (if I need/want help) is AH-MAZING! My daughter loves to cook and it often gives us some good girl time together :-)

Are you convinced that this is something YOU NEED?! Here’s the deal:

1 month = $30

Try a Subscription Plan:

3 months =$81 ($27/month)

6 months = $144 ($24/month)

12 months = $252 ($21/month)

SUBSCRIPTIONS are for the 3 month/6 month/12 month plans. If you choose this route you will pay the total cost upon committing. On the 4th Monday of each month you will receive the next months plan to your Inbox.

I’d love to help make a little piece of your busy life a little bit easier and healthier!

You can sign-up by sending me an email to

Guess what?! Tomorrow is the FOURTH Monday of the month! Say what?! Meal plans go out this week! Let’s get you prepared for those February meals!