How are you doing?

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Tell me! How are you doing?

We are now 43 days into 2021. How are you doing? Seriously! How are YOU doing? Are you accomplishing your resolutions/goals that you set for yourself? Have you even implemented them yet? Did you write them down? Did you share them with anyone? If you don’t have any, you haven’t shared them or you didn’t write them down, that’s okay! It’s never too late to start.

I’ve been sitting here thinking about my resolutions/goals for 2021. I set many. Some were BIG and some were small. I did write them down. I did tell others so I could be held accountable. If you are reading this and thinking to yourself, “Man, I wish I would have written my resolutions/goals down. Or, “man I wish I had told someone what my resolutions/goals were so they could hold me accountable.” IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Let me say that again. IT’S NOT TOO LATE!

I want to share with you one of my small goals that I’m killing (by the way) and one of my BIG goals that, well, I’m not killing. 

Small Goal: clean the kitchen every night NO MATTER WHAT! It doesn’t matter how I feel after dinner. It doesn’t matter how late it is. It doesn’t matter if I talk myself into allowing 10 extra minutes to do it when I wake up in the morning. It’s going to get done immediately after eating. I’ve stuck to this goal for 43 days now and I plan to do it for the rest of my life, Lord willing. You are probably thinking to yourself, “why doesn’t she do this anyway?” Well, I asked myself the same question but guess what? EXCUSES got in the way! When you want something bad enough, what do you do? Any and everything you can to get it, right? Well, I wanted my kitchen cleaned after dinner every night so that I could wake up the next morning and walk into a clean kitchen when I make my coffee. A LOT of nights last year I let excuses get in the way of cleaning my kitchen after dinner. I woke up the next morning, walked into the kitchen and instantly snarled! That’s what set the tone for my day. Not anymore!

Big Goal: start a YouTube channel for my business. IT’S NOT GOING WELL! Why? Because it is way out of my comfort zone. I don’t know enough about making, editing or posting videos to YouTube and I’m just plain scared to death. Do you have a goal on your list like this? Maybe we can work together and hold each other accountable to go after these goals. I need a push! I had dinner with a dear friend and one of my life accountability partners last week. She asked me about my YouTube goal (because I had told her that it was my January, Week 4 goal) because she hadn’t seen anything or heard me talk about it. My answer was I don’t know enough so I pushed it back. True, but an excuse. There goes that word again! Creating a YouTube channel is still a goal of mine that I WILL accomplish within 2021. 

I tell you all of this for several reasons:

  1. Now I have more accountability partners :)

  2. I hope it helps you either evaluate your resolutions/goals or take some time to get a piece of paper, a pen, and write them down.

  3. If you need or want an accountability partner, I’m here!

  4. I’m planting a seed to help you “Write it Down”. All the things. Write them down. Start a notebook or a Google Doc or a Word document or whatever system that you use. Get it all out of your head. Revisit it, often! Put your goals into action!

  5. It’s healthy to set goals. It’s healthy to get it all out of your head. It’s healthy to tell others so they can help you. (Let that last one sink in!)

So, how are you doing? I really would like to know and if you feel led to share how you are doing, send me an email. It’s free! I’m a great listener! I like helping others in whatever way I can!

If one of your resolutions/goals is to get organized, well, I’m your girl!




Hope Vance

Founder & Owner of Organized with Hope LLC who is passionate about helping others become and stay organized. I love to work with business owners as a Virtual Assistant to help them focus more on the big picture of growing their business. As a Professional Organizer my passion is to work with individuals who have a space in their home or life that needs organization. My goal is to give these individuals HOPE  in making their lives easier by providing them with my passion and skills.

Virtual Organizing


How do you manage your time?