Organized with Hope

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A new year! A new YOU!

I’m going into 2021 with three feelings: grateful, positive, strong!

I don’t think that 2020 has been a favorite of anyone but out of all the bad it has brought, I’m taking away all the good.

I have many goals for the new year. How about you? Have you sat down and written those goals out? Have you shared them with anyone so they can hold you accountable? 

I have a few accountability partners and let me tell you, it’s a game changer. I encourage you to find at least one, share your goals with them and ask them to hold you accountable. 

Getting organized may be on your list. I secretly hope it is 😊 Whether you are wanting to get organized in your personal or professional life, getting organized in 2021 will be the perfect time! 

I’ve prayed everyday for God to put into my heart to let the good outweigh the bad of 2020. I pray you do the same. I’ll never forget the year 2020 for several reasons but a good thing that came from it was going after my dreams and starting a business as a Professional Organizer (and Virtual Assistant). I’ve dreamed of it for many years but never thought I could do it. I didn’t believe that I had enough courage, strength, knowledge or the will. But, God told me differently. I quit fighting him and finally took the right path and here I am walking down it. 

If there’s something similar that you have on your mind, reach out! I’ll be your accountability partner! I’ll be a pair of listening ears!

I’m going into 2021 with goals and dreams of growing my business into a successful one and hoping to get YOU organized and give you HOPE in staying organized in 2021. That’s my mission for Organized with Hope. When you hire me to organize a space for you or help you get started using a planner or help you create or adjust a system that has stopped working I’ll give you HOPE in knowing that you can do it and continue doing it. 

Let’s make 2021 even better than 2020! Let’s do it together!

Happy New Year 🎆 Let’s connect in 2021!

Much love ❤️,
