Organized with Hope

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Word of the Year

For two years now I have chosen a word of the year to keep my focus in alignment.

In 2021 I selected - Courage.

In 2022 I selected - Mindset.

For 2023 I have selected - Authentic.

Confidence comes into a very, very close second.

Why a word of the year? Read my first blog post on it here.

What does authentic and why did I choose it?

Authentic means no false or copied; genuine; real.

Don’t get me wrong. I do believe that I am genuine and real to all of those around me but sometimes I don’t believe I’m real to myself.

Fear can get the best of you and can cause you to enter into a falsehood.

I remember the moment that I knew deep down in my soul what my 2023 word was going to be. It was at a business retreat - Wealthy Woman - in Waco, TX in a beautiful AirBNB surrounded by women soloprenuers that I had looked up to in the online space for months.

We did an early morning yoga session and immediately after journaled our thoughts. That’s when it hit me! You’ve got to start being true to yourself instead of giving everyone else your genuine self but not YOU.

The reason confidence comes into a very close second is because as a wife, mom, business owner and all the things is I can and have for years hidden behind my shell to really put out there who I am. My family knows who I truly am. My close friends know who I truly am. But you may not.

I want to change that in 2023.

My family gets to see me dance around the house and be silly. Why can’t you? (Ha! Who am I kidding? It may take some time to release those moments into the online world but I’ll do it by the end of 2023!)

My goal is to not worry what others think of me. To not let fear take over my passion for helping others in my community and outside of it for that matter.

It’s about going after the goals and dreams that may seem unrealistic but with work, confidence, authenticity and much more I CAN DO IT!

And, so can YOU!

Do this for me - grab a piece of paper or open up your notes app on your phone. Before you start take several deep breaths and release them slowly. Clear your mind. Reflect on your life this past year. Write down however many words come to mind. Read them over. Reflect on them. Then choose the one that your gut is screaming at you to choose.

Focus on that word throughout the year. Post it as your phone wallpaper. Write it on your bathroom mirror. Write it on a sticky note and post it where you know you’ll see if daily. Remind yourself of the moment you chose it and work on it. Work on you.

Live your life to its fullest.

Live with intention.